what is a group of cats called

A group of cats is called a clowder. A gathering of kittens is known as an intrigue. Cats in the wild are also referred to as clans or tribes, while domestic cats can be part …

A group of cats is called a clowder. A gathering of kittens is known as an intrigue. Cats in the wild are also referred to as clans or tribes, while domestic cats can be part of households, bands or mobs—in general groups in which they live with other feline housemates and follow one dominant cat who acts like their leader.

While there are many terms for different groups of cats, the most popular one is a clowder. So, the next time you’re around a few feline friends and they start to chatter amongst themselves, you’ll know what they’re called!

If there are only kittens present, it’s known as an “intrigue.” Groups of wildcats can be referred to as either “clans” or “tribes,” while domestic cats that live with other housemates may be part of a “band” or “mob.” Whichever term you use, now you know that when your kitty friends get together and start talking, they’re just chatting away like any other human group!

what is a group of house cats called

House Cats are typically called a “group.” A group of house cats is typically called a “house.” House cats come in different shapes and sizes, but they all share one common goal: to look after their owners.

A group of wild cats is called a colony

We hope you enjoyed learning about the different terms for groups of cats. Whether you call them a clowder or a tribe, now you know that there’s a name for every feline gathering! Thanks for reading!

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